[26] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: Bomb Island

Bomb Island sounded like a quirky novel when I read the synopsis after being offered the book for review. A community that lives on an island off the coast of Georgia, and there’s a wild tiger on the island, too? How bizarre. Bomb Island, in essence, is a coming-of-age tale for the young narrator, Fish. Stephen Hundley debuts as a novelist with this title, and it’s such a striking portrayal of Hundley’s personality and interests. I love reading debut works for this exact reason. We’re always closest to the author in their debut work since it is often the work they’ve spend the most time with.

Cover of Bomb Island

As I write in the review, “Fish is a 14-year-old boy whose house in Atlanta caught fire when he was a child. His mother Sara moved him out to Bomb Island, a three-mile stretch of sand off the coast of fictional Royals, Georgia, where they joined a commune. The island’s name comes from an unexploded bomb that was accidentally dropped offshore in the 1950s and remains in the water, exploited as a tourist attraction.”

Keep reading the full review from Chapter 16‘s website below!

Link to full review of Bomb Island from Chapter 16.

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