[25] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: Incantations

Reviewing poetry is intimidating to me, which is ironic because I am a poet. I think it’s because I am terrified of misinterpreting or misunderstanding the intent or purpose of a poem. As a poet, I understand the importance of working hard to make your work not just understandable but engaging and meaningful for a reader, so when I read other poet’s work, I am hyperaware of potential goals of the author or points they wish to get across, and I want to make sure I don’t misconstrue the intent of the poet. All of that is to say, you can read my review of Darnell Arnoult’s latest poetry collection, Incantations, and see if you agree with the interpretation I offer there or not.

Cover of Incantations by Darnell Arnoult

I write the following in the review: “Divided into six sections, Incantations is aptly named, as the collection oscillates between specific images of earthly creatures and individuals and a massive contemplation of the universe and its creators. For example, ‘Love Fever’ hones in on ‘Courtly drunkards’ who ‘disappear, respectful and smiling, // up inadequate staircases.’ In contrast, ‘This Too Is Creation’ describes how ‘God’s uncanny procedure in His hysterical solitude / is to night-bomb the mysterious void.'”

Keep reading the review from Chapter 16‘s website below!

Link to full review of Incantations on Chapter 16‘s website.

Haven’t yet ordered your copy of Palm Up, Fingers Curled? Don’t worry. You can still buy a copy through Abby’s Pango Books shop at the link here: https://pangobooks.com/books/ed57d9f3-2f63-446b-97a5-d81162f8e06f-0iTlsCuu13QcPx6jU8OQlr7FrPh1

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