[7] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: The Silent Unseen

One of the things I love about reviewing books for Chapter 16 is that it forces me to read genres that I may otherwise ignore. Historical fiction is one of those genres, and Amanda McCrina’s young adult historical fiction novel was a delightful venture into an unknown genre.

Cover image of The Silent Unseen

In the review I write, “The Silent Unseen takes place in late July 1944. By that time, the war in Europe has been raging for nearly five years. According to the historical note at the front of the book, ‘German forces are being pushed back on both fronts. Britain and the United States have gained a foothold in France. The Soviet Red Army, with the help of the Polish Resistance, is advancing through Poland.’ The Germans retreat west, and the Soviets consolidate power in Poland by disarming and arresting Polish Resistance soldiers while also beginning a brutal campaign on the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, known by the Ukrainian acronym UPA.”

Keep reading the review from Chapter 16‘s website below!

Link to full review of The Silent Unseen from Chapter 16.

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