[6] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: Groundskeeping

Lee Cole’s debut southern novel Groundskeeping is a glimpse into university life from the point of view of a groundskeeping and part-time student. Cole’s presents a unique perspective on the familiar current-creative-writing-student-is-also-an-aspiring-novelist narrative.

Cover of Lee Cole’s novel Groundskeeping

In the review, I write, “Owen has recently returned to his hometown after failing to make it on his own in Colorado. He gets a job as a groundskeeper at Ashby, a small private college in the foothills. The job isn’t Owen’s first choice, but it means he can enroll in one class for free on campus, so he chooses a writing workshop. Currently crashing in the basement of his grandfather Pop’s cracker box house on the edge of Louisville, Owen is just trying to get back on his feet.”

Keep reading the review from Chapter 16‘s website below!

A Troubled South

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