[4] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: As We Were Saying

Every Thursday for the next few weeks will feature a Throwback Thursday to one of my prior book reviews with Chapter 16. I have sadly been very unreliable with syndicating my reviews on here once they’re published, so this segment is designed to remedy the situation until we get caught up. I am also hoping to line up some other reviews to help give some diversity of content.

First up is the first ever review I did for Chapter 16, way back in 2021. I had just graduated with two master’s degrees and I wanted to keep a toe in the book publishing world. Luckily, Chapter 16 was willing to work with me.

As We Were Saying is a nonfiction essay collection on the craft of writing. Some of the essays included were adapted from public speeches or pieces that were published elsewhere. I enjoyed getting to hear from some of the faculty at Sewanee.

Cover of the book As We Were Saying.

As I write in the review, “The 18 essays in As We Were Saying are gleaned from recent craft talks delivered at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, which is held each summer on the campus of the University of the South. In his introduction to the book, Wyatt Prunty, founding director of the conference, describes the annual gathering as appearing to be a house party when in fact the writers in attendance ‘are not present for parties but for each other by means of workshops, close line-by-line responses to texts, readings, talks, individual meetings over manuscripts, and formal and informal opportunities to meet editors, agents, and publishers looking for new talent.’”

Keep reading the review from Chapter 16‘s website below!

Link to full review of As We Were Saying from Chapter 16.

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