[3] Chapter 16 Review Syndicate: And Dogs to Chase Them

Cover of And Dogs to Chase Them by Ray Trotter

One of the most recent books I reviewed for Chapter 16‘s website is Ray Trotter’s debut short story collection And Dogs to Chase Them. Trotter has live an eclectic and exciting life, and his collection reflects this meandering lifestyle.

In the review, I write, “The rambling, roundabout sentence structure encapsulates the long-winded way of talking practiced by many throughout the South. The gossipy tone and the humorous undercurrent also help shroud the story in tall tale-esque lore reminiscent of some of the best standup storytellers. Trotter’s writing style is idiosyncratic — and perhaps even jarring to some readers — yet the tone and characters and the roundabout delivery effectively convey the diction of rural Tennessee, particularly of native East Tennesseans.”

Keep reading by clicking the link to the full review below.

Link to the full review of And Dogs to Chase Them on Chapter 16‘s website.

My latest chapbook is still available on Plan B Press’s website at this link: https://www.planbpress.com/store/p77/Palm_Up%2C_Fingers_Curled_by_Abby_N._Lewis.html

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